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Past Grantees

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Alley Network Project

The International Sustainability Institute created the Alley Network Project with the help of an HSD-funded grant to unite neighbors, businesses and community groups in transforming Pioneer Square’s alleys into one of its unrivaled assets. The Project assists community members in developing alley events, art installations and beautification projects. For more information and photos: The International Sustainability Institute created the Alley Network Project with the help of an HSD funded grant to unite neighbors, businesses and community groups to transform Pioneer Square’s alleys into one of its unrivaled assets. The Project assists community members in developing alley events, art installations and beautification projects.


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Eat, Shop, Play Year Round

The Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience Eat, Shop, Play Year Round Project raised public awareness of key shopping events in order to attract new and repeat patrons to the neighborhood’s many businesses and restaurants. HSD supported this project with partial funding.

International Children’s Park Renovation

An HSD funded grant went to Friends of the International Children’s Park to restore existing art and structures in the park. The main restoration was the park’s dragon designed by Gerry Tsutakawa. The dragon is a very iconic and treasured park piece. The renovation benefited young children and families in the Chinatown-International District.


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Storefronts Seattle

Storefronts Seattle began in early 2010, when members of Seattle’s historic Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International districts sought solutions for the growing number of vacant storefronts in the area. The program was initiated to provide temporary, rent-free display spaces for local artists, revitalize blank windows and empty storefronts, and ensure foot traffic, attention and maintenance to these buildings. HSD provided the essential funding for this dual community project.

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The Business Improvement Area Alley
Activation Project

HSD provided funding to help address safety and sanitation concerns, and promoted revitalization in CID district alleyways by removing dumpsters and implementing capital improvements.


Filipino-American Kiosk (Interpretive Way Finding Signs)

The HSD funded Filipino-American Kiosk was completed in the fall of 2012, and is part of a Chinatown-International District community cultural way-finding signs project. The design of the kiosk was completed by a committee of Filipino Americans, with its artistic centerpiece completed by Filipino American artist Weng Gavino. The interpretive information primary speaks of the various Filipino American contributions in Seattle and northwest.


Pioneer Square Branding
& Promo

This HSD grant funded project focused on spreading image awareness and promoting the Pioneer Square neighborhood. The grant was used to create and launch a series of advertisements, including well-received bus ads that were featured in the downtown core.


Only in Seattle Retail Recruitment

This HSD grant-funded project was used for capacity building for the recruitment of independent retail. Downtown Works was engaged to lead the development of a retail recruitment strategy. This process included working with neighborhood stakeholders to understand the existing conditions and infrastructure, understanding and analyzing key market research data, defining the trade areas and determining target markets for Pioneer Square. A retail recruiter was also hired by the Alliance for Pioneer Square to begin implementation of the plan.


The finished plan can be found here.

Only in Seattle Retail Recruitment (Phase II)

Phase Two funding built upon the work that was done in Phase One of the retail recruitment project. Downtown Works assisted in the initial phases of implementation of the plan by working with the newly hired retail recruitment. Their focus was prospecting potential operators and building landlord relations. In addition, recruitment and welcome materials were developed and printed.


The SCIDpda Only in Seattle Support Project

HSD provided funding to help support the rehabilitation of CID storefronts, sanitation improvements, wayfinding sign development, security enhancements and neighborhood event and economic development marketing.

King Street Columns Column Painting Project

The goals of this HSD-funded project were to improve pedestrian connections between the community’s east and west sides, public safety and creating additional public art underneath the freeway. The project was installed through Urban Artworks, an organization that supports at-risk youth, and was financially supported by the Historic South Downtown, the Office of Economic Development, the Department of Neighborhoods, the Public Development Authority, the ID Lions Club, the Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area, the Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Office of Arts and Culture, The Seattle International District Rotary Club, Wing Luke Asian Museum, and Chongwa Benevolent Association. 


Access & Mobility

Historic South Downtown (HSD), in partnership with the Downtown Seattle Association (DSA), and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), have developed a Downtown Access Strategy to ensure that Downtown Seattle remains the economic engine of the region during the extraordinarily high level of transportation infrastructure activity scheduled.

The intent of this project is to improve the physical and cultural connections from the Elliott Bay waterfront to the neighborhoods along South Jackson Street–Pioneer Square, Chinatown-International District and Little Saigon, to the benefit of the people who live, work and visit.


The City of Seattle has adopted a Rental Registration Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) and an Unreinforced Masonry Retrofit (URM) ordinance. This ordinance requires seismic retrofitting of URM buildings. Pioneer Square and the Chinatown-International District (C-ID) are particularly impacted by these policies. Together, the neighborhoods contain approximately 15 percent of all URM buildings in the city. These buildings are particularly vulnerable in the event of a major earthquake. Many of these buildings have affordable housing for low-income individuals and families, seniors, recent immigrants, as well as affordable commercial space for small businesses.

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