Historic South Downtown
The Pioneer Square and Chinatown International District neighborhoods were both shaped, literally, by massive earthworks that reformed the city’s coastline and port, both grew along with the city’s railroad hub. The neighborhoods share Union Station and King Street Station, as well as connections to regional and local rail, city and regional bus systems, and the Seattle Streetcar. Both neighborhoods contribute to Seattle’s reputation as a highly desired tourist destination. Tourists who start their visits in Seattle frequently include trips to other places in Washington, contributing to economic growth throughout the state.



亞太裔美國人體驗吃、買、玩項目的 Wing Luke 博物館全年項目提高了公眾對重要購物活動的認識,以吸引新老顧客光顧附近的許多企業和餐館。 HSD 以部分資金支持該項目。