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Board Member Elections

The 2024 election will be on October 1, 2024. Please save the date for our Annual Mixer and Board Election so you may attend and cast your vote!

Existing Vacancies are listed on our board member page. If you are interested in one of these open positions, email us for more information. You must meet the qualifications listed in RCW 43.167.010(3)(a-g). Appointments will be made to finish the existing term of that seat, and appointees may chose to run for the next full term.


If you are interested in running for a board position at the Annual Mixer, join our mailing list to receive timely notice of the application and the process.

What is it like to serve on the HSD Board?

Historic South Downtown is a state-created authority charged with helping the two historic neighborhoods of Pioneer Square and Chinatown International District mitigate the impacts of large-scale, publicly-funded projects. Each fall, HSD holds an Annual Mixer and Board Elections. Board members are elected to represent specific sectors in the community and may serve for up to two three-year terms. From time to time, a board vacancy will require the appointment of a new representative. 


If you are interested in serving on the HSD Board, please contact Kathleen Barry Johnson. 

What is expected of a Board Member?

  • One 90-minute board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month

  • Currently all board meetings are hybrid, with Zoom and in-person attendance

  • Meetings subject to the Open Public Meetings Act

  • Infrequent special meetings

  • Attendance at Annual Mixer (held each late fall)

  • Service on at least one standing committee, and/or special ad hoc assignments

  • Board members qualify for service by virtue of their connection to a constituency. However, while serving on the board, you are asked to bring your whole self, including your expertise, lived experience, interests, curiosity and diligence to the table

Historic South Downtown

HSD is a state entity responsible for preserving, restoring, and promoting the South Downtown neighborhoods of Pioneer Square and Chinatown International District.

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