Alliance for Pioneer Square
Summertime Busker Street Activation Series
Grant Round
Dates and locations for the Summertime Busker series have not yet been confirmed -- stay tuned for more details!
Alliance for Pioneer Square Organizational Capacity
Grant Round
General funds to support organizational capacity
NE Pioneer Square Framework Plan Phase 2
Grant Round
Community-focused planning around the intersection of Yesler and 2nd
Pioneer Square Facade Improvement Fund
Grant Round
Awards sub-grantee funding to businesses wishing to improve their public interface
Pioneer Square Small Business COVID Support
Grant Round
Emergency round of funding for pandemic support for neighborhood organizations
Alliance for Pioneer Square Organizational Capacity
Grant Round
General funds to support organizational capacity
Race and Social Justice Training and Implementation
Grant Round
Supports consultants hired for an outcomes-based equity training and implementation project in PSQ.
Pioneer Square Pride & Resilience
Grant Round
Supports building an inclusive program of pride and resiliency within PSQ neighborhood by providing technical assistance to businesses, improving alleyway lighting, and doing community outreach.
Alliance for Pioneer Square Organizational Capacity
Grant Round
General funds to support organizational capacity
Pioneer Park Seating Improvements
Grant Round
Purchase tables and chairs to improve the vibrancy of Pioneer Park for all users
Pioneer Square Map and Guide Update
Grant Round
Update, print, and disseminate a new neighborhood map and guide
City Hall Park Planning
Grant Round
Conduct a comprehensive, community-based, inclusive City Hall Park planning process