HSD Board Meetings
Cuộc họp Hội đồng quản trị HSD
Board meetings take place the 4th Tuesday of each month January through November. As of Sept. 27, 2022, meetings will be held in person, with additional access virtually through Zoom.
Meetings are from 5 pm to 6:30 pm PT.
For 2025, join us (click links to see draft agenda):
January 28 July 22
February 25 August 26
March 25 September 23
April 29 October 28
May 27 No Meeting in Nov
June 24 December 9
Public Comment Policy
During Board Meetings, members of the public are invited to make comments on any item they wish to present to the HSD Board of Directors. At the outset of public comment period during a board meeting, the meeting chair will set a comment time limit up to 2 minutes. The time allotted is dependent on the number of people asking to comment and the board agenda.
Written Comments: Members of the public may send written comments to Letters received prior to noon on the day of a board meeting will be shared with the board prior to that meeting. Letters received after noon the day of a board meeting will be shared with the board before the next board meeting.